Why? Well, this:

Yup. On the last day of summer, MTHS got hit with snow. It was really, really foggy as I drove to work this morning - for about 20 miles, I could only see 10-30 feet in front of me. Fun!
Then, during first period, the fog turned to minute blowing snow. My students noticed and their attention was lost. I told them they could take a moment to admire/mourn the snow if I could recite a poem for them about it. They agreed (of course), and I recited this, one of my favorites by Taylor Mali (and one of my favorites from our play).
The attention and the energy was scattered all day. I had a pow-wow with my drama class, and we agreed that three weeks was not enough time to get Romeo and Juliet sufficiently ready, so we moved the show to early November (which makes me breathe a little easier). The speech students are doing better with all of the changes (which I should tell you about, and perhaps will soon, but I'm tired of thinking about it right now), but their parents are still freaking out.
After school, I shoveled the snow off my car and dashed over to do a walk-through of the condo my parents are buying in mountain town. I'm excited for it as a weekend retreat for them and as a snowed-in/early-morning-speech-meet shelter for me.
So, once I got home, I was totally ready to bake, even though the weather outside of the canyon wasn't nearly as bad:

I was going to make good ol' banana bread, but I found this recipe. With this topping. Throw in some chopped pecans for good measure and how can I resist?

Their picture's going to be better than any my iPhone takes, so that one's from the link.
Tomorrow and Wednesday are Parent-Teacher Conferences. 3-8pm both days. At least they're in our rooms, so I can get some work done inbetween. Still, I'm dreading the long week. And we don't get our compensation day until the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Ew.
So, Happy End-of-Summer, wish me luck driving to work tomorrow, and I'm off to eat a banana cupcake. Tah!
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