It was an educational project. First, about 9/16 of the way into the crocheting, I finally looked up the directions for how to felt and found that acryllic yarn doesn't felt. Whoops. So I ran to JoAnn's on my lunch break and picked up more skeins of yarn (100% wool this time). It took almost non-stop crocheting, but I managed to finish the 16 squares required, and I sewed them together.
They were rather large.
However, when I tried them on my feet, I realized how big they were. I hoped that felting really did shrink things. A lot.
Natasha "helping".
Although they didn't shrink nearly as much as I had hoped, Dad liked them. Here he is Christmas afternoon wearing the slippers, playing with one of his own Christmas craftiness projects - a harmonium-type instrument for Andy. Essentially, a collection of glasses glued to a board that, when filled with the right amount of water, become worthy to play the theme of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" on.
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