Monday, November 07, 2011


2:30 PM - After-School Dress Rehearsal scheduled for Drama 1 play

6:00 PM - Snow is supposed to begin.

11:00 AM - Snow actually begins

12:20 PM - Blizzard Conditions

12:30 PM - I consult with Assistant Principal, he advises canceling rehearsal.

12:40 PM - I cancel rehearsal, track down and inform all Drama 1 students.

12:49 PM - I scarf down a turkey-and-saltine-cracker mini-sandwich before the next bell, since I skipped lunch to inform students of cancellation.

1:30 PM - Snow stops.

2:30 PM - Sun comes out.

6:00 PM - Snow is supposed to start up again.

Damn you, Ullr!

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