Monday, March 21, 2011

I Feel So Much Spring Within Me

Today was a good day. Here's why:
  • It was a sunny 60 degrees up in Mountain Town today. Crazy high winds, but they were spring-scented blusters.
  • I deposited a whole bunch of money into the drama account this morning and discovered that we are not only in the black post-show, but we turned a very tidy profit.
  • My top priority with said profit is more lights for the auditorium (we currently have 6 working lights. 6! 6=pathetic).
  • I got to tell my 3rd period class that they earned enough funds for their field trip, AND
  • I got to tell them that the MT police want to stage a fake car crash to raise awareness of drunk driving the week of prom and they want my students to play the victims (which means blood and bruises and other stage makeup goodness!).
  • I had a yummy pomegranate seed and goat cheese salad from Whole Foods for lunch (thanks, Mom and Dad!).
  • I took my 4th period class to the auditorium for a concert by a military brass band from San Diego. They were excellent in terms of music, funniness, and looking good in uniforms. It made me really want to go to New Orleans again (Just warning you, Jason).
  • I left right after school let out (!!!) and packed up the condo to go home for the first time in over a week.
  • I get to sleep in my very own bed for three straight nights!
  • I actually had the time and energy to file my taxes tonight, and thanks to my not paying my 2009 tithing until after January 1 last year, I'm getting a very nice tax return this year (TurboTax said my charitable contributions were unusually high for someone of my income. No kidding - between tithing and my tax-deductible Thailand trip, I bet they are!).
  • I also finally cracked the code to be able to order more garments online. I am excited about this because I don't want to do my laundry right now. Forget washing clothes! Buy new ones instead!
  • And, finally, I got this enticing packing list from Emily in anticipation of my visit:
Passport, shoes for getting wet, shoes for attempting to keep dry, a jacket that can withstand the elements, something to wear that says I am both classy and up for adventure, and a kerchief (I will provide the hobo stick)

Who wouldn't want to go on a trip with that kind of packing list? I ask you!

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