Sunday, March 20, 2011

You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown

The end of my first official day off in a long while is drawing to a close. I'm up at the condo still - my family stayed up here too last night after seeing the show, and we enjoyed a lazy morning together. By the time Rachel, Ben, Jack, Mom, and Dad bundled off to their respective homes, I decided I would rather stay up here and watch Downton Abbey rather than pack up tonight and drive down the mountain. And so I did.

The show went very well. The cast, crew, and audience were all quite happy with it, and we played to a virtually sold-out house all three nights (260 seats, if you're wondering). The students celebrated by giving Rachel, Jesse, Melody, Ann, and me bouquets and then getting into a massive glitter fight backstage using the "Suppertime" plates I mentioned earlier this week.

The Adv. Drama class also found success in selling concessions as a fundraiser for a field trip in a few weeks. We needed to raise $400 to pay for the bus, and they managed to earn over $500. Of course, they also broke the school's popcorn machine, so we'll see how much of that money they get to keep. :)

I'm having a hard time shutting off the note-taking part of my brain. It's been a week of work dreams and I keep thinking there's more props to make or sets to paint or things I need to remind the actors about. I do have two more shows to go this year, so that should help with the withdrawal symptoms.

I'm glad it went well.

(Photo courtesy Rachel)

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