Friday, November 05, 2010

Happiness Is...

- A show where every student in the cast shows up
- A gorgeous bouquet of flowers and a thank-you card
- A show that the audience enjoyed despite all kinds of mistakes and sloppiness of execution
- A note from a student that says "[She] knows Romeo and Juliet by heart, thanks to [me]"
- A kid who's missed a lot of class for court appearances/being locked up who tackles the problem of making a jail that rolls on wheels whole-heartedly and who does a great job figuring it out
- Having a place to stay near school so I didn't have to drive all the way home last night
- A little sister who steals my beauty products, even though we're both grown-ups
- The chance to see my parents next weekend
- Only one more show to go before I only have to work on one production!

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