Yes, friends, I am officially a Coloradan again. Not that I am registered here or have a CO driver's license again or have even figured out where my mailbox is. I am, however, a homeowner in the state.
Wait, let me do that punctuation again.
I am, however, a homeowner in the state!!!!
And said home is gradually actually starting to feel like one and less like a storage facility. I am almost unpacked. Thanks to my awesome family, a lot got done this weekend; including my awesome new shelves.
Yes, this is where you would expect to see a picture of the awesome new shelves. However, I have lost the baggie I cleverly filled with those little nubbins that hold the shelves up in my bookcases. Without those, I can't fill the bookcases. Without all of my bookcases being set up, I can't unpack my books. And, as you may recall, those books make up quite a bit of my packages.
Still, a lot has been accomplished, and I have already had some adventures. Which shall fill later blog entries.
Sorry, by the way, about the lack of updates. My internet has been inconsistent, so I've not been a good blogger. I will do my best, though, to post more regularly.
To cap off this entry, here's a photo of my new hometown my dad took a few weeks ago. I particularly like the feather-like propeller-in-motion framing.

Been thinking about you - glad to know you've arrived and are getting settled. Get those pics up - I can't wait to see your new home!