We arrived on Friday just before the last performance of "Waves". It was a good performance - I made a list as I watched of things I wanted to change. Most of them were items on my list already, so this was a nice confirmation of my thoughts from two weeks ago. The audience was incredibly nice - very positive comments, very enthusiastic about the show and its effects. So, yay!
For me, the joy was in the people who were kind enough to come see it - my parents, Andy and Jenn, Grandma Cook, Teresa and Nick, and Kelley all came to see it, and it means the world to me that they would come to see this thing I helped make.
It was also fun to see my new USF friends again, too. It was too quick, and I know I probably won't see them again, but they made for a wonderfully friendly "Welcome Home"-type of feeling.
Teresa, Nick, Kelley, and Grandma took off pretty quick, but I got to hang out with the rest of the family until Sunday morning. We went to the three Shakespeare plays (second viewings for me, but still enjoyable because 1) they're good shows and 2) I got to watch them with company and discuss afterwards), checked out a candy and nut store, and generally enjoyed each other's company.
Here's some pictures from the event, mostly courtesy mon pere:
The Auditorium Theater, where my show played:
The NAPP Plays
That's me!
Look! I'm an emerging playwright!
Diane, one of my hosts for the week:
These are the crane bookmarks I made for the cast and crew as thank-yous. Cute, huh?
We took the long way home so we could see Cedar Breaks:
And we stopped off in Thompson Springs to check out the petroglyphs:
P.S. Get this - twice people came up to me later that weekend to say how much they liked my show. I've got fans!
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