Sunday, December 17, 2006

Sigh No More, Ladies

Here, thanks to YouTube, I give you selections from our play. Well over half of these kids have never been in a play before, including some of my leads, so I'm rather proud of what they've done. So, if you've got some time to kill, why not watch 9th graders perform Shakespeare? :)

The opening scene. That's Don Pedro with the flag at the end.

The Masquerade. Beatrice and Benedick to start, then a jig (Yay Susan Dibble!), then a few scenes that follow (including an example of my kids' newly-developed improvising-Shakespeare skills):

Benedick eavesdrops (includes the song "Sigh No More". The girl who sings it wrote the melody for it after researching music from the time period. She's the only 8th grader in the class. She also performed the show on Thursday with a badly injured foot, without telling me. She's a little trooper, she is!)

The Watch catch Borachio in the act (I particularly like their fight scene).

Hero is accused at her wedding.

Hero's Funeral (in case you missed it on the Institute Blog)

1 comment:

  1. I watched this and started laughing.. now that sounds mean.. but I'm actually was laughing because I remember the first time we tried to do these dances and just about everyone fell down the steps during the jig, and they couldn't figure out which way to turn for the funeral dance... but at the end everyone did great and I'm so proud of that cast!

    great times learning how to direct, thank you waterhouse!
