Sunday, May 17, 2015

Travel Priorities

I spent a large chunk of my afternoon today searching for a hotel in London.  My indecision stems from the following combination:

I do not want to share a bunk bed/bathroom with 19-year-olds;
I want to pay hostel prices for central London accommodations.

This is a paradox that I cannot resolve.

After many, many rounds of negotiations with myself/the Internet yielded no agreements, I decided I needed to have a place to stay far less than I needed shows to see.

Within 20 minutes I booked tickets to four performances* in three days (and there's still 3 time slots I can fill!).

I do not have a place to lay my weary head, but by golly I have Shakespeare.

Which should surprise absolutely none of you.

* For the curious, I'll be seeing:

- Everyman at the National Theater (yay, medieval morality plays!)
- War Horse at the National Theater (yay, puppets!)
- A staged reading of the short story Othello was based on and a lecture on Shakespeare and Islam, as part of the "Shakespeare Inspired Talks" at the Wanamaker Playhouse next to the Globe (yay, academics!)
- As You Like It at the Globe (yay, Jacques!)

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