Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Totally Mainstream

The front office knows that when I get packages at school they're usually full of props or scripts or fake blood that I'm eagerly awaiting, so they send them immediately up to my classroom.  During the musical season, though, I also send my personal packages to my school address since that's where I am 90% of the time.  Thus my 4th period Drama 1 class was mid-Check In last month when a student aide brought me a box.

"Ooh, what's that?" my students asked.  "Is that stuff for us?"

I checked the label.  "Nope!" I declared.  "It's my sample glasses!"

"What?"  They were confused.

"It's a bunch of frames for me to try on for my new glasses," I explained.

"Are they hipster glasses?" Dylan asked.  "Don't get hipster glasses."

"Oh, Dylan," I said.  "They're based on vintage designs.  The company's name is Warby Parker.  They give a free pair to someone in need with every pair purchased," I held up the sample box full of tortoise-shelled frames.  "These are about as hipster as I can get."

Dylan rolled his eyes while I poked through my new options.  Two trial boxes later, I wound up with the Wilkie in Sugar Maple which, happily, arrived today all prescriptified!


To be fair to Dylan, though, I completely acknowledge this:

(which you can also watch here, since the embedding might be finicky.  It's the first minute of the episode.)

And also this:

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